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Friday, June 29, 2012

Facebook: Mandatory marketing? Apparently not ...

With all the buzz around social media, we found a refreshing blog by a marketing company that quit Facebook.  What?  Quit Facebook? A marketing firm? That’s right – they quit Facebook, despite all the pundits encouraging companies to use any and all social media platforms.

Sisarina is a marketing firm empowering small businesses and nonprofit organizations.  (Hmmm…sounds like Ideen…perhaps that’s why we like them so much…) 

Late last year, Sisarina made the decision to pull the plug on Facebook.  As they point out, and we agree, this medium works best for B2C (business to consumer) companies that have products they can give away for free.  If you’re in a services industry or B2B (business-to-business), it may not be wise for you to invest your precious marketing time on Facebook.  

First, establish clear goals for your social media marketing activities.  Second, decide where you’re going to invest your time and energy.  Your decisions may or may not include the latest, hottest social media platform...and that's okay.

At the end of Sisarina's blog explaining why they shut down their Facebook page, they published their social media plan for 2012. 

It is a total of 54 words.  That’s right – this marketing firm concisely states their approach to social media in less than 60 words.

We’re highlighting this decision and Sisarina’s ability to boil down a seemingly complex and complicated world of social media into a 54-word plan because it is a refreshing alternative to the hype we see from other marketing or PR firms.  Well done, Sisarina, well done! 

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