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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Santa and the Fiscal Cliff - A Letter from Denver

On Friday, 14 December, we had the pleasure of joining 800 Denver professionals for the 26th Annual Economic Forecast Breakfast.  The event, sponsored by the South Metro Denver Chamber, featured a panel of CEOs and senior executives from large corporations doing business in Colorado.

As expected, the looming fiscal cliff figured prominently in the discussion. While there was the opportunity for these business leaders to rail against one side or the other, this did not happen.  Whether taxes increase or decrease, whether spending cuts occur in entitlements or the defense budget, all agreed – just get on with it.

The key point was this: make a decision. 

It’s the uncertainty of the situation that is keeping companies from investing in the future, creating jobs, and moving forward with the business of business.  The Denver Market President for Wells Fargo commented that companies are sitting on large cash reserves, unwilling to invest these funds in an ambiguous environment.

And how are small businesses fairing?  Small business lending is at a 12-year low.  Small businesses that rely on sub-contracts to the bigger companies – yes, those big companies that are staying on the sidelines until the fiscal crisis is resolved – are starving for work.

So, during the holiday season, our letter to Santa might read something like this:

Dear Santa,
Please bring us a solution that both the White House and Congress find satisfactory.  They don’t have to like it; they just have to live with it.  Make sure the solution doesn't just kick the can down the road for another six months – the can is flat and the road has ended.  If you bring us a solution, we can focus on planning for the future and kick-starting the economy.

Oh yes…and a bit of snow for Colorado’s mountains would be nice, too.

The Denver Business Community – large and small businesses alike