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Monday, April 26, 2010

Who do you trust? Small Business!

A colleague of mine recently sent me a link to a USA Today article that reports that the American public trusts small businesses more than any other type of organization --http://http://www.usatoday.com/money/smallbusiness/columnist/abrams/2010-04-23-small-business-pew-survey_N.htm.

According to the Pew Research Center, small businesses garnered more trust than churches, universities, and technology companies in a study recently released by the Center.

Yes, this is the same study that reported how little the American public trusted the federal government and Congress, as well as banks and financial institutions. And it was this lack of trust in government that received most of the attention in the media. Where was the story about small businesses?

Because small businesses are splintered, they do not have a voice in Washington like larger corporations do. They lack a political base, have little influence "inside the beltway," and cannot muster a war chest to push their agenda.

What most people do not realize, however, is that small businesses continue to be the economic engine behind the US recovery, generating about 65% of all new jobs.

Ideen salutes small businesses -- we support your inventiveness, your risk-taking, and your ability to dream big. Check out the article and tell someone about it. And, next time you need something, skip the trip to the big box store and support your local small business.

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