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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Facebook Overtakes Google

Many marketers are abuzz about the article in the Washington Post that reports that for the first time, Facebook pushes past Google as the most popular site on the Internet. Does this signal the preeminence of social networking? Reflect a vulnerable side of Google? Demonstrate dominance by Facebook?

Hmmm…it wasn’t that long ago that MySpace was far more popular than Facebook. In fact, it wasn’t until this year that Facebook outstripped MySpace in terms of users within the United States.

Regardless, the headline does indicate a number of important trends…social networking has arrived and now is ingrained in the American psyche. Email no longer holds sway, despite the older generation's extensive use of this medium…even social networking relies on search functions, so Google isn’t going anywhere…users tend to use Google for short, tactical bursts, while they spend quality time of social sites such as Facebook.

Nonprofit and Government organizations need to submit to the interactive nature of social networking and embrace the change – it’s here to stay. While websites still have a role to play in organizational communication, the broader spectrum of social networking cannot be ignored by organizations, big or small.

Check out the article for yourself: Facebook passes Google as most popular site on the Internet, two measures show